World Dengue Day
ISNTD-ADVA World Dengue Day Forum – Cross Sector Synergies
Building on a rapidly growing global consensus, in 2018 the International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ISNTD) started a worldwide dengue awareness campaign, which included calling on the UN and WHO to designate a World Dengue Day.
Its petition for a World Dengue Day ( has to date garnered over 26,500 signatures, endorsed by a growing and global collective of patients, policy makers, researchers, professionals and advocates from over 110 countries, who share the clear goal of reducing the burden of dengue around the world.
In addition, ISNTD also convened an international and multi-sectoral Dengue Advisory Group, comprised of partners from Ministries of Health, research and academia, NGOs and civic society, to guide this campaign.
Such a move is not without precedent. On 15 June 2011, ASEAN Health Ministers first declared that day — and each subsequent 15 June — ASEAN Dengue Day. This important annual event allows ASEAN members, in coordination with WHO, to consolidate dengue prevention and control measures.
The World Dengue Day campaign is aiming to achieve the same – on an international scale given the rapidly growing global threat of dengue.
Growing population densities, unplanned urban development, poor water storage and unsatisfactory sanitary conditions are all common factors that contribute to the worsening burden of this mosquito-borne disease – not just for ASEAN, but for many countries around the world.
The disease has significant impact on the socio-economic status of every country. Tackling dengue is everyone’s concern.
Hence, in commemoration of ASEAN Dengue Day 2021, and the first World Dengue Day, ISNTD and ADVA are jointly organising ISNTD-ADVA World Dengue Day Forum – Cross Sector Synergies, held online from 13 to 15 June 2021.
Through public webinars and virtual exhibitions, ISNTD-ADVA World Dengue Day Forum – Cross Sector Synergies aims to grow the international dengue prevention community, whose members include vector control, disease surveillance, patient advocacy groups, healthcare providers, NGOs, public-health services, and providers of safe water, sanitation and hygiene.
ISNTD-ADVA World Dengue Day Forum – Cross Sector Synergies marks a day that all governments, civil societies, public and private sectors, schools, universities and citizens, can devote to dengue awareness-raising actions.
Additionally, the Forum will give countries around the world a platform to share their strategies for increasing public awareness of dengue, mobilize resources for its prevention and control, and demonstrate their commitment to tackling dengue.
About the Forum – Cross Sector Synergies
We and our Co-conveners, Asia Dengue Voice and Action (ADVA) Group, in collaboration with the Global Dengue and Aedes transmitted Diseases Consortium (GDAC), Fondation Merieux (FMx), International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases(ISNTD) and Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Tropical Medicine and Public Health Network (SEAMEO) is continuing our battle against Dengue infection. In the upcoming ASEAN Dengue Day on 15 June 2021, we continue to work with ISNTD to continue the global initiative to establish World Dengue Day.
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Programme Schedule
All time in Kuala Lumpur/Manila/Singapore Time (GMT: +0800)
Sunday 13th June | Monday 14th June | Tuesday 15th June | |
Commemorating 2021 ASEAN DENGUE DAY & Advocacy for WORLD DENGUE DAY opening session All Co-convenors and Supporting Institutions Mr Kamran |
ISNTD: Dr Kamran ADVA: Prof.Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro Title: Fighting dengue is a never ending story
1pm – 2:30pm |
Symposium Title: Dengue Situation In Indonesia Supporting Institution – Indonesian Paediatric Society
Moderator: Dr Maria Rosario Capeding
Time: 1pm SGT on Monday
Symposium Title: Dengue Therapeutics – Moderator:
Discussion |
Takeda Symposium
Moderators: Prof Usa Thisyakorn & Prof Tikki Pangestu
3:00pm- 4:30pm | Sanofi Symposium Title: Immunization against Dengue: Targeting with Confidence
Moderator: Prof Tikki Pangestu (NUS Yoog Loo Lin School of Medicine Singapore) Panellist: Dr Stephanie Meyer (Dengue Global Medical Expert, Sanofi Pasteur)
Discussion |
Chulalongkorn University Tropical Medicine Cluster Symposium: Dengue in the midst of COVID19 Pandemicr
Moderator: Prof Usa Thisyakorn
Discussion |
5:00pm – 6:30pm | Title: Biomarkers, Pathogenesis and New Horizons for Dengue Therapeutics and DiagnosticsModerator: Mr Kamran Rafiq
Dr Kevin Maringer Dr Neelika Gathsaurie Malavige Dr Priya Shah |
Symposium Title: Indonesian Paediatric Society – Symposium 2 Title: From dengue research to clinical implementationModerator: Prof. Adi Utarini
Symposium: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Resilience Against Future Threats (RAFT) project in Conjunction with Malaria Consortium:
DENGUE VECTORS Moderator: Dr Leo Braack
Discussion |
Evening* 7:00PM-8:30pm |
Symposium Title: Tackling and Preventing Dengue Fever: the Road to Integrating Vector Control and Surveillance into Communities
Moderator Mr Kamran Rafiq
Symposium Title: Dengue Expert Advisory Group Pakistan
Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Somia Iqtadar
Discussion |
Symposium Title: Engaging Communities Worldwide to Overcome Dengue Challenges and Harness Opportunities
Moderator: Mr Kamran Rafiq
9:00pm – 10:30pm | ISNTD Symposium Title:Building Mitigation and Resilience against Future Dengue Threats: From Climate Change to Disasters & Emergencies Moderator: Mr Kamran Rafiq
Discussion |
Philippines Symposium Title : ASEAN to World Dengue : Past, Present and Future Interventions Moderators: Professor Emeritus Lulu C Bravo, MD & Mr Kamran Rafiq
Panel Discussion Objectives :
The programme schedule is subjected to changes and on-going updates.
Forum Recordings

Asia Dengue Voice & Action Group
For more information please contact ADVA Secretariat:
Dr Francis Kwong