Global Dengue and Aedes-transmitted Diseases Consortium (GDAC)

Four leading institutions at the forefront of dengue prevention and control—the International Vaccine Institute (IVI), the International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC) of the Johns Hopkins University, the Partnership for Dengue Control Foundation (PDC) and
the Sabin Vaccine Institute have formed a new global alliance, which is named the Global Dengue and Aedes-transmitted Diseases Consortium (GDAC). This new partnership will integrate approaches to fight dengue and other Aedes-transmitted diseases including Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever.
GDAC will be working closely with the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide scientific evidence to facilitate comprehensive Aedes-transmitted disease control, incorporating research and public health projects, technical meetings and consultancies, regulatory and policy support, financing frameworks and communications and advocacy.
The key objectives of this alliance is to accelerate innovation and application of vaccines, vector control, antivirals, clinical management, therapeutics, diagnostics and surveillance, and licensure and post-marketing oversight of vaccines. In addition, GDAC
will focus on strengthening social mobilization, advocacy and capacity building. It will continue its members’ work with vaccine early adopter countries to develop integrated control strategies specific to those countries. GDAC will work with all stakeholders to
develop strategies designed to prevent outbreaks caused by other viruses transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. With its global presence in Asia, America and Europe, GDAC will build a common agenda to lead the new era of Aedes-transmitted diseases prevention
and control.

SEAMEO TROPMED Network is the regional cooperation network for education, training and research in tropical medicine and public health, which is parked under the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education. The Network aims to become and international forum for development in health and is working towards developing the capacity of institutions and individuals in delivering quality healthcare. This network serves as a focal point in higher education and research in tropical medicine and public health.
The objectives of SEAMEO TROPMED are centred on training healthcare workers, supporting research on endemic and emerging diseases and advocating relevant health policies in order to empower communities with knowledge and encourage the use of tools for disease prevention thus minimizing the economic burden of health.
Fondation Merieux (FMx)

The Mérieux Fondation is an independent family foundation with public interest status and is committed to fighting, in the field, the infectious diseases that affect developing countries by building capacities, particularly in clinical laboratories.
With its network of laboratories, the foundation’s work is focused on diagnosis, an essential aspect of patient care and an indispensable tool for disease surveillance and control. Taking a global health approach, the foundation also works in the field to help the most vulnerable, with a strong emphasis on mothers and children.
The Mérieux Fondation help the most vulnerable populations, particularly mothers and children, gain fairer access to healthcare. From its very beginning in 1967, the Mérieux Fondation has united public and private sector partners around a common mission. Active today in over twenty countries, the Foundation works to strengthen the skills of healthcare professionals in the field to ensure its programs have a long-lasting impact. It catalyzes local and international initiatives to help the most vulnerable populations gain fairer access to healthcare.
The Mérieux Foundation works closely with Fondation Christophe et Rodolphe Mérieux, an independent family foundation under the aegis of the Institut de France, sharing the same public health goals.
The International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ISNTD)

The ISNTD is an independent organisation providing a multidisciplinary global platform to an international network of individuals working in the fields of Neglected Tropical Diseases, diseases of poverty and global development.
The aim of the ISNTD is to focus on and highlight the research and programmes of colleagues and organisations worldwide, to ultimately have an impact on the health and prosperity of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable, while sharing the goal of reaching sustainable healthcare provision & poverty reduction in the developing world.
The ISNTD believes that this goal cannot be achieved without strengthening the ties between all the parties already involved in NTD alleviation and addressing the socio-ecological and socio-political context of NTDs, in order to achieve not only the cure but also the prevention of NTDs with true and sustainable local leadership.
As a result, the ISNTD has developed a vibrant, proactive and international Membership base and facilitates the development of concrete partnerships throughout its network and activities.